Table des matières 2020
Report: misdeclared charcoal likely caused “Yantian Express'” fire
Russian government bankrolls leader nuclear icebreaker project
Oil companies mwill not use Arctic sea passages
"Mayflower" autonomous ship's AI captain takes to sea
Vard delivers world's first electric, autonomous container feeder
First ever standard contract for autonomous ship operation underway
LMB-BML Maritime Award 2019 … bis !
Honoré Paelinck stelt zijn herinneringen te boek
Liquefaction' and 'Dynamic separation': different aspects of the same Problem
CESMA outraged at refusal of persons in distress at sea
CESMA president approaches EU on crew changes amidst Corona outbreak
CMB is klaar voor de volgende 125 jaar
BIMCO: coronavirus comes at the worst time for shipping
Coronacrisis maakt recordaantal schepen werkloos
Threat of another 'Hanjin' grows
Coronacrisis: alle grote carriers krimpen vloot behalve HMM
Theft and extortion common experiences, say seafarers
Seafarer 'travel certificates' launched
Apostolatus Maris blijft een belangrijk anker voor zeevarenden in de haven van Antwerpen
Shipping Alliance's collective crew change plan needs government action
Union backs ships officers as governments drag feet over crew changes
Pope Francis pays tribute to seafarers stuck at sea
COVID measures prove costly for crewing sector
Negligence of small minority risks setbacks to crew change progress
DEME repatrieert door corona gestrande bemanningsleden
IMO uses upcoming UN General Assembly to renew focus on crew change
SRI calls for investigation into perfect storm for seafarers
Coronavirus 'Worst crisis for seafarers in 200 years'
Updated COVID-19 guidance for shipping
Nieuwe regeling zorgt voor vlotte en coronaproof bemanningswissels in de Belgische zeehavens
Vakbonden vragen aandacht voor vervalste werktijdregistratie aan boord
CMB is klaar voor de volgende 125 jaar
Belgian Inspectorate clarifies measures following Corona outbreak
Joint statement on Covid-19: transport keeps on going
Dark Story: Harvard economist explains why captains are arrested when oil is spilled
Julien Deweert': klein maar fijn
Een prinselijke doop voor de “Baudouinville”
De tweede “Baudouinville” schreef meermaals geschiedenis
De derde “Baudouinville”, prachtig en populair
“Basel” van de rederij Toepfer verscheept boomstammen van West-Afrika naar Italië
Kustvaarder "Ambiorix" gebouwd in Waterheusden
"Elisabeth": eerste Belgisch supertanker
Het Liberty ship "Belgian Unity"
Belgische "Escaut" in dienst van Britse admiraliteit
Derde “Elisabethville” kent rimpelloze carrière
Eerste baggerschip met ultra lage emissies aangekomen in België
DEME zet hotelschip in voor pre-quarantaine en veilige wissels vanscheepsbemanning
Diversificatie van de activiteiten draagt bij tot solide financials bij Jan de Nul
BESIX and Jan De Nul bouwen aaan de uitbreiding van de haven van Fujairah in Dibba
DEME sluit grootste baggercontract ooit af
Four unlikely cargoes expected to see a significant uplift
ECSA has revealed latest data on European shipping
ECSA bezoekt haven van Antwerpen en Brabo
ECSA: gender diversity and equality of opportunity crucial to attract new talent in the shipping industry
Contributing to an attractive, smart and sustainable working environment in the shipping sector - "WESS'
ECSA: sustainable recovery requires a well-balanced recovery package
ECSA highlights crucial role of shipping as vector of global trade in its contribution to EU trade policy review
Sniffer Drone deployed in the Strait of Pas-de-Calais to monitor ship emissions
A major shipping change is coming and so are higher fuel prices
Shipping sector proposes USD 5 billion R&D board to cut emissions
LNG powered "Costa Smeralda" delivered
EU starts to chart shipping’s new course
In depth: proactive measures needed to improve hull performance
Vrachtschip met windtechnologie maakt debuutreis over de Noordzee
Survey: owners and charterers believe that voyage efficiency savings of 28% are possible
Eerste annulaties voor scrubberinstallaties gesignaleerd
Shipowners and operators could face detention of ships under new IMO rules
UECC and GoodFuels try marine bio-fuel
Wärtsila and partners to pursue greater fuel efficiency in major EU-funded project
84% of February bunker sales in Singapore are low-sulphur
Scrubber installations to be scrapped as oil price falls off cliff
The time to act for a sustainable maritime future is now
Japanese companies to launch first zero-emission electric tanker
Innovative VLCCS with air lubrication and sail assist ordered in China
First overseas car freighter with low-emission LNG propulsion in service for Volkswagen group
Wärtsila to design and equip two zero-emission battery powered ferries
Stena Bulk is presenting the IMOFLEXMAX
New program seeks to fast track methanol as marine fuel
Hopperzuiger "Alexander von Humbolt" vaart als eerste 2.000 uur op 100% biobrandstof
COVID-19 has hampered shipping's climate commitment
Small-scale nuclear power for commercial ship propulsion
Vlaamse overheid, Port of Antwerp en Sereant verbeteren samen de waterkwaliteit van de haven van Antwerpen
EU stevent af op rigoureuze CO2 reductie scheepvaart
EU ETS discussion paper
ABB powers P&O super-ferries towards new sustainable transport area
Wereldprimeur: CMB bouwt mee aan 'dual fuel'-motor op waterstof
Construction underway on new generation of eco-friendly ro-ro vessels
The "CMA CGM Jacques Saadé" joins the fleet
OPEC remains convinced of stable demand for marine bunkers
Asahi Tanker orders 2 of world's 1st zero-emission electric-powered tankers
Let's talk about the wings
HHI, Hyundai GLOVIS, Liberian Registry and KR develop world’s first large size commercial hydrogen carrier
Partnership aims to develop hydrogen ferry for Oslo-Copenhagen
Vard delivers world’s first electric, autonomous container feeder
MOL & MIUR to conduct demonstration tests with microplastic collection device installed on newbuilding woodchip carrier
Shipping industry and Asian nations object to EU pollution plan
Wijzigingen in het management & nieuwe corporate structuur bij EXMAR
In memoriam Baron Philippe Bodson
Tankers running on fumes as shipping fuel switch causes delays
ESNA ou HZS: un peu d'histoire
Haven van Antwerpen blijft eigen records breken
Koning Filip bezoekt haven van Antwerpen
Antwerpen en North Sea Port lijden onder Coronacrisis, Zeebrugge floreert
International Maritime Health Association Issues Advice on New Coronavirus
EU Commission calls for creation of a port network for crew changes
Joint statement: respect seafarers’ right to emergency medical treatment ashore
Five cruise ships detained in Essex and Bristol over welfare fears for crew
Enough is enough: world's seafarers will now exercise right to leave ship amid COVID-19 failures
Tanker vast in Antwerpen: kapitein meldt corona besmetting niet meteen.
Prime Tanker taps innovative data driven model to mitigate COVID-19 risk
MSC cruises to implement next generation air sanitation system for global cruise industry to further enhance air cleanliness
Tanker stowaways: seven men arrested over ship's hijacking
HZS, Vito en Karel de Grote-hogeschool meten luchtkwaliteit aan boord van schepen
Tracy Edwards bewees dat vrouwen ook zeebenen hebben
Eerstesteenlegging nieuwe campus Hogere Zeevaartschool: samen maritieme toekomst bouwen
IMO and Port state inspection authorities set pragmatic approach to support global supply chain
World Maritime Day focussed on sustainable shipping
IMO forges ahead with devlopment of new short-term measures to implement GHG strategy
Quo Vadis, Roger? Oud-Commandant-Directeur HZS overleden
The maritime stories that shaped the decade
Book it right and pack it right
Marine market is urged to reinforce its support for the average adjusting profession
Importance of navigational risk reviews
Allianz: shipping losses at record low, but COVID-19 impact and political tensions cloud the horizon
Nieuw scheepvaartwetboek van kracht op 1 september. En dan ?
Verslagen maandelijkse vergaderingen
Jaarlijkse algemene vergadering 2020
Raad van Bestuur
Profiel der kandidaten
Verslag van de voorzitter
Raad van Bestuur 2020
The impact of corona on Seafarers
Verslag van digitale vergadering: Zeelieden zwaar getroffen door Anti-Corona maatregelen
Zeemanscollege zoekt nieuw lokaal
Exit Apostolatus Maris
An open letter to governments
KBZ-CRMB benadert Belgische Regering over bemanningswissels
Verslag van een informele videoconferentie inzake facilitering van visumprocedures voor zeevaarders in transit
Hulde Dag der Zeelieden. Speech van de Voorzitter
Uit de Nautilus van augustus 1951: 'Een nieuw tehuis voor zeevarenden'
De verhuizing van het KBZ-CRMB naar een nieuwe locatie
Jotun and Kongsberg partnership delivers innovative … fouling control
Drone inspects FPSO tank. It could soon do it on its own
Nieuw Belgisch onderzoeksschip “Belgica” dit najaar in dienst
Le « Léopold 1e » dans le sillage d'un titan
German Gas carrier grounded due to underdeveloped ECDIS
Radicale veranderingen nodig om onderwijs voor maritieme professionals toekomstbestendig te houde
Werkzaamheden Maritieme Campus Antwerpen (MCA) gestart
The Enkhuizen Nautical College sets sail towards sustainable shipping
MDK trekt mee de groene kaart
Opstart proefvaarten voor schepen met 16Mm diepgang naar Antwerpen – Loodsen versterken competitiviteit van de haven
De permanente commissie: vlotte en veilige scheepvaart in de Scheldegebied
Monster 74-foot wave measured off northern California
Navigating in tidal rivers, the access to major locks and mooring problems for ULCCS
Reflections on the grounding of "MT Pazifik" and the investigations by theBSU
Maritime container shipping and rising sea levels
Be mindful of mental health but don’t unfairly stigmatize seafarers
Zero emission shipping: what's in it for developing countries?
Un plan Marshall pour le shipping français
The Future of Scrubbers
The time has arrived for autonomous ship regulations
Why LNG is a starting point for a zero carbon future
Suicide du Cdt. Deruy: le parquet requiert 100.000 euros d'amende contre CMA CGM
New Technology may weaken seafarers' professional judgment
Levensgevaarlijk: helft loodsladders niet in orde
Loodsplicht nieuwe stijl door Tweede Kamer goedgekeurd
Unprecedented number of crew kidnappings in the Gulf of Guinea
Sea piracy in 2025: Piracy 2.0?
Piracy is on the rise, and coronavirus could make it worse
The US issues alert for 'pirate' attacks in the Gulf of Mexico
Crew kidnappings surge in seas off West Africa, IMB reports
Pirates abduct 14 seafarers from heavy lift ship in Gulf of Guinea
De snelheid waarmee onze Noordzeewrakken verdwijnen
Brandend ijs: een nieuwe energiebron?
Traffic density maps for a better understanding of maritime traffic
MAIB warns older crew of heightened slip and fall risk
APL England master charged over loss of containers off Sydney
ICS: non-conformity incidents dropped by 25% over the past year
Cargo vapour concentrations on board chemical tankers in the non-cargo area during normal operations
Better crew training needed for CO² firefighting systems
Henk Soulliaert nieuw diensthoofd Scheepvaartpolitie Kust
DCSA publishes implementation guide for IMO cyber security mandate.
How to achieve type approval for cyber security
MAS eert Antwerpens maritieme verleden
AI System Tested by Tokyo Bay Vessel Traffic Controller
Droogdokkensite wordt maritiem belevingscentrum